Friday, December 11, 2009

Warfarin More Drug_interactions Is There A Drug Interaction With Wayora & Warfarin?

Is there a drug interaction with wayora & warfarin? - warfarin more drug_interactions

As for the post-Kelley: I have to say here and now, such as warfarin (Coumadin) to save the lives of people, such as heparin can. He saved my life twice, because I am a bleeding disorder gene, which if I am pregnant and have displayed and / or after childbirth. I am what is called "Positive heterozygous factor V Leiden Hypercoagualability disorder. I am grateful for these two drugs, because my situation was dangerous for the lives with her two pregnancies. The only thing I feel for these two drugs is profound gratitude. As a healer told me: "Look at these sacraments for you, B / C were kept alive and prevented further throiwng pulmonary embolism. They helped you in life, to educate their children. "He ground. I think it is stupid and will save a bad taste for a drug, the lives of people with few side effects and interactions, I might add. There is a time and place for everything under the sky there, including pharmaceuticals.

That said, I do not know what wayora. ItSounds vegetable ... I will take some research and contact you. To my knowledge, would be the only problem with the use of warfarin affects w / wayora if the clotting wayora (thickness or TTP) of blood in any way - it is thinner or thicker.


espangor said...

This interaction with warfarin, although the investigation found nothing with the name of wayora. ...

Kelley E said...

Pharmacists are often interact better on the drugs together.

However, there are many better choices than warfarin to thin the blood and prevent blood clots: bromelain, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, etc.

They are available separately or as Vitalzym formula.

Warfarin kills people every year and probably every day, every hour or so ... To remove page, the word "effect" in this process.

So, without looking at the interaction, the direct effect of warfarin alone is bad enough.

Good luck and good.


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