Saturday, February 20, 2010

Difference Between Genital Warts And Ingrown Hairs What Is The Physical Difference Between Genital Acne And Genital Warts?

What is the physical difference between genital acne and genital warts? - difference between genital warts and ingrown hairs

I had some individual cases where potholes appeared in the pubic area, at first I thought it might be an ingrown hair, but now I wonder what the physical difference I will be so whether I Freak Out


Winterwo... said...

Warts are caused by a virus and cauliflower surface. Acne is caused by bacteria. Genital warts are contagious and can cause serious doubt, go see a doctor if you do not know.

phillyfa... said...

Acne tends to red bumps .. Kinda look like buttons.

Warts tend to be in small groups (often growing), but as a color of cauliflower ... or sometimes the color of the skin.

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